Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Democrats Don't Work"

So there was this comment going around on the day of the election that apparently Tim Tebow said.*  And I am not someone who bows down before Tim Tebow like other people do (for what reason, I still am not sure).  Yes, he does seem like he is a very nice person.  He also doesn't seem like someone who questions pretty much anything he is told by: a. authority, b. his parents, or c. The Bible.  I started questioning all these things as early as it was for me to comprehend I had the ability to, thus why I do not bow before him as if he is the new coming of Christ.  I actually remember thinking when I was young how bizarre having to say the pledge of allegiance every day was.  It's not that I care about what it says, like "under God" or anything, it's more the idea of having young children recite something every day pledging themselves to their nation seems oh-so-naziesque.  Or Communist China.  Or something like.  

Anyways, he apparently said "I'm predicting Obama will take an early lead tomorrow... Until all the Republicans get off work."  People were re-tweeting, posting on facebook, and going out of their way to tell me this like crazy.  I wanted to retort, oh yeah, the Democrats were just savvy enough to go before work.  Or I wanted to simply punch everyone who said that in the face.  I don't think I have ever heard something so disgraceful and offensive.  Quite honestly. 

I cannot believe that people can have the audacity to say that people who vote for democratic candidates don't bother to work.  Oh yeah, we're all bottom-feeders who love to suck all you good ole' working folk dry!  Keep workin' so we can keep takin'!  

Listen, I am not going to lie.  I come from a nice town.  A really nice town.  And almost everyone that I still know from my hometown, (I would say with the exception of a few of my fellow female friends from high school who know exactly what a conservative, tea-party government means for them), lean conservative.  When I hear them say things like this and laugh and joke in this hateful way, it makes me sick to my stomach.  It makes me sick that they would judge people like that.  Especially because the people that they are attempting to judge, they know so little about. 

I have to remind myself that these people grew up in such a different world than most people. They grew up with the obligatory "silver-spoon" in their mouths.  They really did though.  I've seen it.  I've lived it.  They know that they are lucky and from a nice place, and grew up with money.  But they don't realize how that skews their perception of the world.  Hey, let me step back and say that I have met some people from my town that do understand this.  But most people have lived in the top 1% or 10% or whatever for so long, I think they don't quite understand the plight of most Americans.  I also think that I don't even understand it.  But at least I can recognize that. 

Bottom line is you have to take your advantages and you have to recognize them.  You don't have to throw them to the wind, you don't have to disavow them or anything dramatic like that.  But you have to recognize that you have them, and that other's do not.  And to not judge people.  

Oh and also, for all you jackasses who thought that was soooo funny.  You were wrong.  Obama led the whole time.  From the beginning to the end... fucking boo-ya.

* I am informed this was a fake twitter account of Tim Tebow.  No bother.  I have been wanting to say how weird it is I think people are obsessed with him anyways. 

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